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Oastlers School Vision Statement for Mathematics




Through the teaching of mathematics, we aim to help learners develop a positive attitude towards mathematics, develop a deeper awareness of number and shape that is all around us and introduce a lifelong fascination for the subject. Mathematics provides our learners the skills to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and critically and to work systematically. Our intention is to provide learners with the skills to use and apply mathematics not just to achieve in the GCSE curriculum, but to help them succeed in real life.



All learners are taught through planning that follows our “Steps 4 Success” framework.  We follow the Edexel GCSE syllabus. Through careful planning and preparation, we aim to ensure that all learners are provided with opportunities to study the breadth of the GCSE framework.  Learners are taught through practical activities, mathematical games and problem solving activities.


At KS3, mathematics is taught to all learners every day for 40 minutes.  KS4 also enjoy 40 minute lessons taking them to Y11 where they are then entered for GCSE examinations.


Differentiated lessons are planned taking into account the age related expectations of every learner ensuring any gaps are addressed that may have occurred in their previous learning. Where it is necessary, individual support is provided through the school’s Literacy and Numeracy Workshop.


Younger learners are encouraged to consolidate basic numbers facts including the four rules, simple calculations, times tables, mental calculations or rapid recall of number bonds.  As children progress into KS4, our lessons focus on developing and encouraging further mathematical ability required for learners to succeed at GCSE.  Here learners will be introduced to more complex mathematical study, including algebra for example.


All learners progress will be continuously assessed through the ‘Assertive Mentoring’ programme; with which we will monitor the individual’s progression within our subject from year 7 through to post 16.


Where appropriate we use experiential learning to enhance deeper understanding of the mathematical world. The department also works closely with other subjects to create cross curricular links so that learning is supported across departments.   By doing this, the complex vocabulary of mathematics is linked to other subjects so that connections are made to the wider world.


The mathematics department has particularly strong links with science and technology through our involvement in S.T.E.M., the schools experiential learning programme.


Opportunities are always sought to extend and promote mathematics across the school, just as we aim to support the school’s literacy strategy though the use and explanation of specific mathematics vocabulary.




It is the expectation of the mathematics department that all learners will achieve GCSE pass, at Level 1 or Level 2. This qualification outcome will then lead to positive post 16 destinations, further study or employment which in turn provides a rewarding career and positive economic outcomes.


Mathematics at Oastlers has a positive impact on all our learner’s futures. Learners will be furnished with the ability to apply mathematical processes across the curriculum, develop critical thinking skills, become numeracy literate and able to apply the skills in real life situations





Site Information


Oastlers School:

Flockton Road,



West Yorkshire

Telephone: 01274 307 456

Email: office@oastlers.co.uk


Head Teacher: Lyndsey Brown


Oastlers@Keighley School:

Exley Road,


BD21 1LT

West Yorkshire

Telephone: 01535 281 556

Email: keighley@oastlers.co.uk


Head Teacher: Lyndsey Brown

Head of Centre: Robert Fairbairn


If you require paper copiers of any information that is on our website please contact Jeanine Fairbairn on 01274 307456, Jeanine.fairbairn@oastlers.co.uk and this will be provided free of charge.

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