Safe, Secure and Successful

Assertive Mentoring

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Oastlers School Vision Statement for Assertive Mentoring




The primary’ Assertive Mentoring’ approach allows learners to fill the gaps in their prior learning. It meets the needs of each learner allowing them to develop spellings, grammar, number skills and science. By bridging these gaps, it will empower learners to develop their skills and confidence enabling them to succeed.



Assertive Mentoring is a guaranteed, regular, one to one dialogue between a learner, parent/carer and member of staff. It is evidence based and it enables progress towards long term targets that are reviewed, as well as the achievement of medium-term targets to be tracked. Further meaningful medium-term targets are then agreed for the following term. Targets are based on agreed assessment criteria from children’s individual trackers, so as to be both challenging yet achievable and to have the greatest impact on performance. These are the focus of continual assessment, marking, feedback and support throughout the term.


  • True assessment for Learning- each child knows their own targets and what they need to do to reach them. They are fully involved in the process.
  • A personalised curriculum which ensures relevant intervention.
  • Raised standards for all- aim that all children will reach their targets in Key Stage 3.
  • Accurate assessment which informs planning and then ensures accelerated achievement.
  • Meaningful dialogue with parents/carers and learners.
  • Develop positive attitudes to learning of all learners- whole school learning culture.
  • A streamlined system which incorporates target setting sheets, learning plans and reviews.


All learners are actively encouraged to explore and express their own opinions appropriately, which enables them to become independent and creative thinkers.



The impact of the above will provide all learners with the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to securely transition to the next stage of their learning journey. Assertive Mentoring will support all learners to improve their achievement. They will have greater fluency in their reading supporting a rich vocabulary allowing them to access the broad curriculum and will be able to question and interpret information.


All learners will be able to apply skills and knowledge gained in the classroom to the wider world. The breadth, balance and challenge will embrace all learners so they can make positive contributions to Oastlers and the wider community.


All learners will transition to the next phase with the confidence and independence, feeling safe, secure and successful.



Site Information


Oastlers School:

Flockton Road,



West Yorkshire

Telephone: 01274 307 456

Email: office@oastlers.co.uk


Head Teacher: Lyndsey Brown


Oastlers@Keighley School:

Exley Road,


BD21 1LT

West Yorkshire

Telephone: 01535 281 556

Email: keighley@oastlers.co.uk


Head Teacher: Lyndsey Brown

Head of Centre: Robert Fairbairn


If you require paper copiers of any information that is on our website please contact Jeanine Fairbairn on 01274 307456, Jeanine.fairbairn@oastlers.co.uk and this will be provided free of charge.

© Oastlers School 2013- 2023